[iOS] Communication and Time Sensitive Notifications
[iOS] Communication and Time Sensitive Notifications
[iOS] Communication and Time Sensitive Notifications
MVVM+Combine input/output Pattern
Code Signing XCFramework
iOS16이하 버전에서 한글이 포함된 URL을 사용할 때 Decodable URL 이슈 발생
한글 종성에 따른 ‘을/를’ 구분
about manifest.plist
about dSYM
Out Of Index Crash In UITableView
NSDateFormatter Locale Error
Swift Coding Convention
Prevent ScreenShot on iOS17
iOS16 ActivityKit - Live Activities + Dynamic Island
iOS16 WidgetKit - LockScreen Widget & Watch Complications
what`s new in Xcode14?
Prevent ScreenShot
Unit testing With Combine and Result Type
Memory Clearable String in Objective-c
how to use a dispatchqueue
the foundation of dependency injection using ObjectIdentifier in Swift
Use AsyncAwait instead of a Closure
Privacy View in SwiftUI (with PrivacySensitive and Redacted)
Local Notification on SwidtUI
Using Async / Await with Combine
Use a propertyWrapper for keychain in SwiftUI
Use a UISheetPresentationController on SwiftUI
WKWebView ScriptMessageHandler Memory Leak
Memory Dump
Create a Example for Clean Architecture with MVVM pattern in SwiftUI
Create a Example for Clean Architecture with MVVM pattern in Objective-c
Coordinator pattern Example in Swift
Create a MVVM Pattern with KVO(Key-Value Observing) in Objective-c
Spotlight : Searchable Item
SiriKit (Shortcuts) : Intents, IntentsUI, NSUserActivity
onAppear called twice on a NavigationView in a TabView
WKWebView in SwiftUI
Testing Push Notifications in the Simulator
Core Data Model Programmatically in a Swift Package
Autolayout : a View align to the bottom in a ScrollView
Make a iOS Widget using WidgetKit
Suppressing warning: incompatible pointer types
Xcode Code Snippets : Sync on your devices
Add Resources to a Swift Package (Bundling Resources)
Cookies: NSHTTPCookieStorage, NSHTTPCookie, WKWebView
Ignore SSL Auth
UIButton : Align the image to the right
Clean Architecture, MVVM DesignPattern
Show Expand UITableView
Hide a last separator line on a UITableView
WKWebView KeyBoard Scroll Issue
File Download (HTTP Response attachment)
WebView Cookies (WKWebView, UIWebView)
Effective Objective-c 2.0 #5~#7
Effective Objective-c 2.0 #1~#4
CentOS(RHEL 7) Firewall : firewalld
Installing zsh with oh-my-zsh
Install and Serve Jekyll
About The Clean Architecture
About the MVVM Pattern
자주쓰는 Git 명령어
PM2 AuthBind
[Linux] IP, Port, Server, Firewall …
Generate APNs Keys : .p12 -> .pem
Jenkins Cleanup Build History
Jenkins a shell script for auto version up on Xcode Project (with BuildNumber)
Jenkins Parameterized Remote Trigger
Jenkins Build with Parameter(git branches)
Jenkins Pipeline
[WWDC21] Meet async/await in Swift
[WWDC21] What`s new in SwiftUI
[WWDC21] What`s new in Swift
[WWDC21] Distribute apps in Xcode with cloud signing
[WWDC21] Xcode Cloud
Spring framework - spring jdbc db접근을 통한 Security 권한 획득하기
Spring framework - java security config
Spring framework - java config
Json API Server Example
Http Server Example
APNs(Apple Push Notification service) Server Example
[WWDC18] Behind the Scenes of the Xcode Build Process
[WWDC18] Behind What`s New in User Notifications
Privacy manifest files
.a Static Library 에서 XCFramework로 빌드
Install NginX
WWDC24 Keynote