[WWDC21] What`s new in Swift (Swift 5.5)
Update on Swift Package
Package Collections in Xcode
- like the swift package index
- You can now simply browse a collection and add packages from a new package search screen in Xcode
- swift.org/blog/package-collections
- simple JSON files you can publish anywhere
- curated lists of packages for different use cases
Apple Packages
- Collections Package, Algorithms Package, System Package, Numeric Package, ArgumentParser Package, …
The Collections Package
- a new opensource package of data structure
- github.com/apple/swift-collections
- an Array
import Collections
var colors: Deque = ["red", "yellow", "blue"]
// colors is now ["green", "red", "yellow", "blue", "orange"]
// colors is now ["red", "yellow", "blue"]
- powerful hybrid of an Array and a Set
import Collections
var buildingMaterials: OrderdSet = ["straw", "sticks", "bricks"]
for i in 0 ..<buildingMaterials.count {
print("#\(i) \(buildingMaterials[i]")
buildingMaterials.append("straw") // (inserted: false, index: 0)
- a useful alternative to Dictionary when order is important
import Collections
var responses: OrderedDictionary = [200: "OK", 403: "Forbidden", 404: "Not Found"]
var (cod, phrase) in responses {
print("\(code) (\(phrase))")
The Algorithms Package
- Sequence and Collection algorithms
- github.com/apple/swift-algorithms
import Algorithms
let testAccounts = [ ... ]
for testGroup in testAccounts.uniquePermutations(ofCount: 0...) {
try validate(testGroup)
let randomGroup = testAccounts.randomSample(count: 5)
The System Package
- a library providing idiomatic, low-level interfaces to system calls
- github.com/apple/swift-system
import System
var path: FilePath = "/tmp/WWDC2021.txt"
print(path.lastComponent) // "WWDC2021.txt"
print(path.extension) // "txt"
The Numeric Package
import Numerics
let x: Float16 = 1.5
let y = Float16.exp(x)
let z = Complex(0, Float16.pi)
let w = Complex.exp(z)
The ArgumentParser Package
- github.com/apple/swift-argument-parser
- to generate code-completion scripts for the Fish shell
- joined short options
- improved error messages
- If you’ve used the Swift Package Manager command-line tool recently, you’ve used Swift ArgumentParser.
Update on Swift on Server
- static linking on Linux
- improved JSON performance
- enhanced and optimized the performance of the AWS Lambda runtime
Developer Experience improvements
Swift DocC
- a documentation compiler that’s deeply integrated inside Xcode 13
Performance improvements in the type checker
- sped up the performance for type checking of array literals
Build Improvements
- Faster builds when changing imported modules
- no longer rebuild every source file
- Faster startup time before launching compilers
- Fewer recompilations after changing an extension body
Memory Management
- ARC automatically frees up the memory used by class instances when those instances are no longer needed
class Traveler {
var destination: String
func test() {
let traveler1 = Traveler(destination: "Unknown")
// retain
let traveler2 = traveler1
// release
traveler2.destination = "Big Sur"
// release
print("Done traveling")
Ergonomic improvements
Result Builders
Enum Codable synthesis
enum Command: Codable {
case load(key: String)
case store(key: String, value: Int)
Flexible Static member lookup
- like enum, using the same dot-notation on Structures
protocol Coffee { ... }
struct RegualrCoffee: Coffee { }
struct Cappuccino: Coffee { }
extension Coffee where Self == Cappuccino {
static var cappuccino: Cappuccino { Cappucino() }
func brew<CoffeeType: Coffee>(_ coffee: CoffeeType) { ... }
Property wrappers on parameters
struct NonEmpty<Value: Collection> {
init(wrappedValue: Value) {
self.wrappedValue = wrappedValue
var wrappedValue: Value {
willSet { precondition(!newValue.isEmpty) }
struct User {
@NonEmpty var username: String
func logIn(@NonEmpty _ username: String) {
SwiftUI Code
import SwiftUI
struct SettingsView: View {
@State var settings: [Setting]
private let padding = 10.0
var body: some View {
List($settings) { $setting in
Toggle(setting.displayName, isOn: $setting.isOn)
#if os(masOS)
Asynchronous and Concurrent programming
- the highlight of Swift 5.5
Asynchronous : Async/Await
func fetchImage(id: String) async throws -> UIImage {
let request = self.imageURLRequest(for: id)
let (data, response) = try await URLSession.shared.data(for: request)
if let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse,
httpResponse.statusCode != 200 {
throw TransferFailure()
guard let image = UIImage(data: data) else {
throw ImageDecodungFailure()
return image
Structed Concurrency
- async
- it will be able to suspend if it needs to wait for results that are being computed in other threads
func titleImage() async throws -> Image {
let background = try renderBackground()
let foreground = try renderForeground()
let title = try renserTitle()
return merge(background, foreground, title)
- async let : the async let syntax to run the first two operations in parallel.
func titleImage() async throws -> Image {
async let background = renderBackground()
async let foreground = renderForeground()
let title = try renserTitle()
return try await merge(background, foreground, title)
- a newconstruct helps protect your data in a multi-threaded environment
// before : Concurrent code
class Statistics {
private var counter: Int = 0
func increment() {
counter += 1
// with swift actor
actor Statistics {
private var counter: Int = 0
func increment() {
counter += 1
var statistics = Statistics()
await statistics.increment()
// use async/await in actor
actor Statistics {
private var counter: Int = 0
func increment() {
counter += 1
func publish() async {
await sendResults(counter)
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